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Scaley South Boston Resident


Meet a Real Crested, Iggy


D.O.B DECEMBER 31, 2010




Iggy is a male Crested Gecko, born in captivity in 2010. Iggy is orange, with an eyelash crest running down his back. Iggy loves to climb the leaves in his terrarium. When Iggy was young, he was very hyper and did not like to be touched, but as he has matured, Iggy loves to be held and stroked. Iggy developed Metabolic Bone Disease last year, but he is getting treatment and is doing a lot better! The reason for his diagnosis is because he does not like to hunt crickets, which is their major source of calcium. Iggy is very cute and sweet and is a very loyal pet. If you intereted in getting a Crested Gecko, read below to see the best way to take care of them.


How to Take Care of Your Crested at Home


For one adult crested, it is recommended that you buy a 20 gallon HIGH tank so your crested gecko has enough room and can climb up the glass. 


Your terrarium should have artificial leaves, food holders, dirt, artifical logs or trees, a pool, and a fogger. A fogger is not necessary if you live in a humid climate, but Iggy lives in a cold and dry city so he needs a fogger to keep him misty. Crested geckos are very messy, so keeping a pool of water to clean their feet in is important. They also love to climb, either the glass, branches or leaves which is why having artificial nature is important in your crested's tank. 


It is best that you keep your crested gecko's terrarium between 70-75 degrees to keep it happy and healthy. Misting with water is important 3-5 times a day.


Crested Geckos eat fruit and crickets. Order dry complete formula diet online that you will prepare every two days and leave in the tank for your crested to eat. Feed small crickets once or twice a week, but some cresteds to not like to chase or hunt the crickets. Always provide water in the tank.

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